La Dueña de Doña Dulces


Born and raised in San Antonio, Viviane (La Dueña/ Doña Dulces) loves her city and supports other local small family owned businesses. Her support and love for her community knows no bounds. It is a fundamental belief of hers that as a community we need to support one another and help each other succeed. 

Our dueña started this business with her children's future in mind. Suffering from an illness that prompted the need for ongoing chemotherapy treatments, she has remained resilient in her fight. Continuing diligently to build her business and clientele up so that one day she can leave it behind as a legacy for her children.

Our ingredients are imported from all over the world because we truly believe in only using the best when it comes to our recipes. Try our products and see the difference for yourself. No doubt that our collections of tasty treats are carefully created everyday with absolute love and pride.